Slide & Swing Gate Operator Brands
Below we have provided basic knowledge about the automatic operators we work with every day. With the most reliable brands, we hope they give you a better understanding so you can choose the correct operator for your gate or application.

Liftmaster: LA500 Actuator Arm for Swing Gates
Liftmaster has the most popular products in the market. In the photo to the side is one of their most preferred motors. Also known as the LA500 Swing Actuator Arm. The perfect and convenient motor to install when you have limited space on your property. It is very quiet and moves gates extremely smooth that are up to 18 ft in length and weigh 1600lbs.

All-O-Matic: SL-90DC slide gate operator
When it comes to quality, you can never go wrong by choosing an operator from All-O-Matic. With a battery back up system and foot pedal release included, this application is able to handle gates up to 1,600lbs. AND 50 feet long.
Ramset: (ramset-100) Slide Gate Operator
Whether you have a heavy, medium, or light-duty gate, there are opertaors available for all types of units. As shown to the side, here is a great example of a motor that would be best for a lighter project. The Ram-100 from RAMSET can operate gates that weigh up to 700lbs. and 20ft in length.